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At Nurse Anytime, we want you to understand the benefits and advantages of home health care. Your senior can benefit from the devoted and personalized nurse-managed treatments we provide. Learn more about our services below.

In-home care involves home visits from our nurses. It can occur in the short- or long-term and deal directly with a broad range of conditions. Our nurses are both registered and non-registered professionals, but all of them possess extensive experience working with seniors.

We always treat each patient as an individual. That means taking the time to get to know your loved one. We want to know their interests and what they love to do. We also provide a hand-picked caregiver based on your senior’s specific needs.

No two patients are the same, but in most cases, in-home care is a viable alternative to living in a retirement home. Many seniors struggled with giving up the independence they experience when living at home. Home health care allows them to maintain that control and reside where they feel most comfortable.

We take great care in choosing our nursing staff. We know how crucial qualified care is in the nursing field. For our nurse-managed philosophy to work, we must hire committed professionals with a laundry list of qualifications. We mandate the following requirements.

  • Outstanding people skills and empathy
  • A Nursing degree or diploma, or a certification in-home health care. We also hire home support workers or those with relevant experience working with the ill or elderly.
  • Extensive background checks
  • Up-to-date CPR certification
  • Current immunizations
  • At least two current and positive references

Yes. We believe the best way to provide home health care is by introducing consistency and steadiness into your senior’s life. We don’t want to upset their progress by forcing them to get accustomed to a new provider. Barring unexpected illnesses and accidents, our nursing professionals stick to their assignments and continue building relationships with your family member. One important thing to note, as nurses, we understand seniors’ immune systems aren’t as formidable as they once were. If your caregiver is ill, we won’t allow them to care for them. Instead, we will send a replacement.

Yes! We always keep the family members of our patients up-to-date with their loved one’s progress. We’re also careful not to divulge private information, so we ask for a detailed list of approved family members who can ask us questions at any time.